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"My sentimental object is ‘Aroha’, by Dr. Hinemoa Elder. My mum gifted me this book at the beginning of last year. It’s my most sentimental object in this house. Books are really important to me, and it’s really nice to be able to hold memories and sentimentality in objects that I use a lot.

‘Aroha’ kind of set the tone for the final year of my Master in Fine Arts. It really affirmed the research that I was doing and helped to inform my practice in a round-about way. It was nice how things came full circle. I received it at the beginning of the year and then I came back to it in my writing processes during the final period of my study.

My mum is someone who always moves with love. She’s an intentional person and I believe that really holds true to 'Aroha'. There are so many treasures in there that are pretty mind-blowing and I see many of the qualities I admire in her, reflected in this book. She is really strong, beautifully graceful and nuanced in her ways. ‘Aroha’ breaks down whakataukī, that you may or may not have seen, in a way that you can digest. It’s really thoughtful."

What does sentimentality mean to you?
"Sentimentality is something that I find comfort in. It holds memories, and it kind of revives you in a way. I guess it ties into mental health. I find that it helps lift me out of spirals. I go to things I find comfort in, and I find fond memories, memories of love. I think that at its core, it’s love. I think it grounds you as well, in your experience, in your environment, and in your body." - Maioha Kara, Te Whanganui-a-tara/Wellington (Interview: Chloe Mason) Find Maioha: @maiohakara

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